What We Do

At some point in its existence, nearly every organization or community finds itself caught up in a system that no longer works. Things are changing so rapidly—an unexpected loss of funding, for example—that the way things have always been done is no longer sustainable

Confluence Unlimited helps you discover what your next steps should be by helping you to uncover what is possible for your group's future. We do not advise you, nor do we deliver a plan that is based on our opinion. Instead, we use our skills to help you, your staff and your community identify, together, what is the wisest direction for you to pursue. We have found that this approach leads to greater internal ownership and overall sustainability. Specifically, we will:


  • host important conversations both within and outside of your organization to reveal next best steps
  • teach you how to continue to host these types of conversations so that you can sustain the relationships that are at the heart of your success
  • utilize the latest information and innovation processes, and—if you so desire—teach these models to you
  • help you set high-level expectations that take a broader view of the eco- system in which your organization exists


Of course, our methods are never exactly the same from one consultation to another; they couldn't be since we specialize in helping every unique organization meet its own unique challenges. However, we do teach you how to follow a loosely defined process, which we've outlined below.

Observing & Understanding

We often start by helping you and your colleagues clearly observe your organization and its context. We do this by helping you understand who and what you are now, and then—through deep observation—set the path for discovering how to logically unfold towards your future. We will host, and then teach you how to host, meaningful conversations with key internal and external stakeholders—conversations that enhance genuine relationships, which are the heart of success.

Once we start talking, we usually uncover what's always been there. From the start, our processes are geared towards amplifying the contributions of all stakeholders and setting the stage for collective ownership of the new direction.

Letting Go & Moving Forward

Moving towards a new future always requires letting go of what you know and stepping into the unknown. We'll walk you through the letting go process, and then help you tangibly discover your next best future.

Taking Action

Once you've let go of "the way it's always been done," and embraced a new vision of the future, it's time to take action. There are many ways we can you manifest your vision. We can help you develop actual models and scenarios that outline your next best future, and—if desired—teach you how to test these models before implementing them. We can also help you develop the strategies and organizational practices necessary to bring your desired future about and sustain it through the 21st century.